半田計劃 Half-Field Plan
Category: Editorial
《半田計畫》是藝術家蔡國傑一個極具想像力的藝術計畫。從2004年在臺北實施的《線性商店》開始,蔡國傑借用土地開發銷售模式,在全世界售賣土地版塊之間的邊界線:一個夾雜在各種「權力空間」、「消費空間」之間的 「邊界線」。
The “Half-Field Project” is an imaginative art project by artist Cai Guojie. Starting from the "Linear Store" implemented in Taipei in 2004, Cai Guojie borrowed the land development and sales model to sell the boundary line between the land sections in the world. It is a borderline that is a mixture between various "spaces of power" and "spaces of consumption". In the game of selling the borderline, the “Half-Field Project” suggests a solemn concept: the space of power and the jurisdictional boundary.
The “Half-Field Project” is an imaginative art project by artist Cai Guojie. Starting from the "Linear Store" implemented in Taipei in 2004, Cai Guojie borrowed the land development and sales model to sell the boundary line between the land sections in the world. It is a borderline that is a mixture between various "spaces of power" and "spaces of consumption". In the game of selling the borderline, the “Half-Field Project” suggests a solemn concept: the space of power and the jurisdictional boundary.