澳門國際默劇節 2019 Macau International MIME Festival
Category: Drama
除了戲劇表演,還有工作坊和電影欣賞,讓觀眾親身走入大師們的表演世界之中。重頭戲是世界級法國戲劇大師Philippe Gaulier再度來澳。在一連五天的密集式大師班中,Philippe老師將帶領您帶上面具,探索中性面具(Neutral Mask)及意大利即興喜劇(Commedia dell’arte)的藝術世界。
The Macau International Mime Festival 2019, organized by CANU Theatre, invited groups from all over the world to present spectacular performances at the Black Box Theatre in the Old Court Building and at the Mount Fortress Park. The audience will be able to watch diverse performances featuring clowns, marionettes, magic, pantomime and lighting, among others. Humorous, poetic and hilarious pieces will be performed one after another. Regardless of gender or age, all can be participate in these performances with joy in a relaxed environment.
In addition to the mime performances, master classes and movie screenings will be held, allowing the audience to enter the world of the great masters. Internationally renowned clown master Philippe Gaulier from France is coming to Macao again to hold a five-day master class, exploring the artistic world of the “Neutral Mask” and of the Italian commedia dell’arte with participants.
除了戲劇表演,還有工作坊和電影欣賞,讓觀眾親身走入大師們的表演世界之中。重頭戲是世界級法國戲劇大師Philippe Gaulier再度來澳。在一連五天的密集式大師班中,Philippe老師將帶領您帶上面具,探索中性面具(Neutral Mask)及意大利即興喜劇(Commedia dell’arte)的藝術世界。
The Macau International Mime Festival 2019, organized by CANU Theatre, invited groups from all over the world to present spectacular performances at the Black Box Theatre in the Old Court Building and at the Mount Fortress Park. The audience will be able to watch diverse performances featuring clowns, marionettes, magic, pantomime and lighting, among others. Humorous, poetic and hilarious pieces will be performed one after another. Regardless of gender or age, all can be participate in these performances with joy in a relaxed environment.
In addition to the mime performances, master classes and movie screenings will be held, allowing the audience to enter the world of the great masters. Internationally renowned clown master Philippe Gaulier from France is coming to Macao again to hold a five-day master class, exploring the artistic world of the “Neutral Mask” and of the Italian commedia dell’arte with participants.