1+1: Belo Yuan & Island
Category: Editorial
為兩地藝術家交流展覽作記錄設計之刊物「一加一 白鷺源&愛倫島」。「一加一」項目旨在加強本澳與海外藝術家創作交流,拓展本地與海外之藝術交流平台。每兩年全藝社選出一位澳門代表藝術家和一位海外藝術家,與海外藝術團體(如內地、香港或國外)合作,藝術家在當地進行駐場藝術創作,之後在當地畫廊舉辦雙人作品展,並且,下一年這兩位已選之藝術家將會於澳門進行駐場藝術創作後舉行雙人作品展。本次全藝社的藝術家代表為梁飛燕,北京藝術家代表為張新軍。
Editorial Design for The "One Plus One" - an Art in Residence and Cultural Exchange programme, it aims to strengthen the creative and artistic exchanges between Macau and overseas artists, and expand the local and overseas art exchange platform. Every two years, AFA selects a representative artist from Macau and the other one from overseas, cooperating with overseas art institutes from mainland, Hong Kong or abroad to organize this joint exhibition. The selected two artists will conduct residency artistic creations, and then a joint exhibition for the two artists will be held in the local gallery. For the next year, this two selected artists will conduct this programme in Macau. This time, Leong Fei In is representing artist from AFA, and Zhang Xinjun is artist representing Beijing.
Editorial Design for The "One Plus One" - an Art in Residence and Cultural Exchange programme, it aims to strengthen the creative and artistic exchanges between Macau and overseas artists, and expand the local and overseas art exchange platform. Every two years, AFA selects a representative artist from Macau and the other one from overseas, cooperating with overseas art institutes from mainland, Hong Kong or abroad to organize this joint exhibition. The selected two artists will conduct residency artistic creations, and then a joint exhibition for the two artists will be held in the local gallery. For the next year, this two selected artists will conduct this programme in Macau. This time, Leong Fei In is representing artist from AFA, and Zhang Xinjun is artist representing Beijing.